This is not working.

America as we know it is gone. It died a slow and quiet death over the past half-century. America’s Founders likely would’ve revolted over a full century ago. Yet we’ve done nothing but talk a big game.

Freedom-loving American’s memorialize the country’s founders to a degree that is unhealthy. We treat them as gods. We see them as irreplaceable. We act as if they did all the work for us. Yes, our founders were geniuses. They built a robust framework that protects the liberties of humans on an individual level. But in the end, they were only humans with a core set of beliefs and that decided to take action against a tyrannical empire.

We’ve all reaped extraordinary liberties thanks to the remnants of the protective framework built for us. Yet our freedoms are slipping away at an exponential rate. These freedoms are not taken away from us in secret. They slip away in front of our faces and we let it happen. From the Federal Reserve Act to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, American’s were aware of these “discrete acts” and did nothing to stop it. If politicians pass oppressive laws in the dead of night during a holiday, it doesn’t mean they get to get away with it. As soon as we citizens find out about such corruption, we must raise hell about it.

It’s all over now. The 2020 election was the last of many nails hammered into America’s coffin. The election was full of anomalies, statistical impossibilities, and shady activities. Politicians on both sides betrayed the American system by denying obvious fraud. By looking at the data that is currently out there, Biden had to win this election by an act of God — and that’s an insult to God.

Our founders gave us a republic if we could keep it. We didn’t keep it. We are twiddling our thumbs, waiting for a reincarnated version of our founders to come save us. This will never happen. We can’t vote our way out of it. Our elected officials sold us out when we thought elections were secure. Now we know elections aren’t secure so it is game over.

Where were the freedom fighters after the assassination of JFK? Where were the freedom fighters when the Golf of Tonkin was discovered as a sham? What about the debasement of the dollar as it was removed from the gold standard? What about the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA? What about Waco, Ruby Ridge, or the Bundy Standoff. Did Edward Snowden’s leaks hit a nerve? Did the IRS Tea Party scandal make you say, “hmmm… this could be a problem?”

Now we need government permission to keep our businesses open. We can’t gather with our families on holidays because a group of elites that sends our sons and daughters to die abroad now claim to care about our safety. What is it going to take for us to get off our butts and stop this madness? We are placing all our bets on the upcoming Georgia election? Are we kidding ourselves?

This year we learned that republicans are as treasonous as the democrats. We can no longer rely on the GOP to do anything for us and we need to let them go. The change will happen when the common man organizes, resists, and chooses to live as a free human. Not as a slave.